Student Dress Code
It is expected that students will come to school appropriately attired including a neat, clean, and complete uniform. We ask that the uniform be sized appropriately.
SRFACS students are expected to maintain good grooming habits and a personal appearance, which is conducive to learning. Since fads come and go, final determination of appropriateness is up to the discretion of the faculty and Principal. Please consult the school before making changes in personal appearance that could be considered extreme. The following applies to all students:
- The suggested school attire, including styles and colors, applies to all students.
- Tops should be solid white. For parents concerned with white tops, there is an option of a solid navy blue top. They must have a collar (Oxford style, polo or girls’ blouses). Shirts can be long or short sleeved. Shirts should cover the midriff but not be longer than hip level. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Shirts must be worn at all times. Sweaters of all types (V-neck, crew neck, and cardigan) should be solid navy blue or solid white.
- Bottoms should be solid navy blue and can include pants, shorts, jumpers, collared dresses, skirts, shorts or Bermuda shorts. Skirts, dresses, jumpers and shorts must be at knee length. No cargo style pants/shorts, sweatpants, and denim please.
- Attire should not have initials, markings, logos, designer labels or writings.
- Socks, tights, or leggings must be worn with a dress or skirts. They should be solid white or solid navy blue.
- For safety reasons, clogs, flip-flops, high heels, or slick soled shoes should not be worn. Shoes with lights or wheels are not allowed. Shoes must be close-toed.
- Outerwear such as jackets and raincoats are up to each family’s discretion.
Our schools has regular uniform “swaps” during each academic year.
Not Permitted on any School Day – All Grades
- Sandals, sling backs, or heels
- Clothing that appears to be excessively worn has holes
- Tight fitting and/or inappropriately short shorts and skirts
- No writing or design
- Halter tops, tank tops, sundresses, crop tops, low cut tops, tight fitting tops and spaghetti straps
- Dangling earrings (longer than 1/2 inches)
* Parents that would like a waiver are encouraged to meet with the Principal one week prior or two weeks after the start of the school year.
** Parents requiring financial assistance are encouraged to meet with the Principal to come up with a mutual plan for obtaining financial help. Every effort will be made to assist students who need financial assistance.
Where to Buy Uniforms: Uniforms can be purchased anywhere. However, SRFACS has provided French Toast and Global Schoolwear with the school's specific dress code and parents also have the option to include embroidery on uniforms. For French Toast, remember to use SRFACS unique source code QS5UWGP in the Express Shopping box. For Global Schoolwear, the school code is SANT02.